Sigmify has been successfully used to provide solutions specific to verticals like Healthcare, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Professional Services, e-Commerce.
Sigmify is also being used for building and managing solutions in functional areas like HR, Finance and Accounts, Production and Production Planning, Relationship Management. The Sigmify solutions for these functional areas are applicable to multiple industry verticals.
With the recent release of the new widget based portal Sigmify has found increased usage and deployment in automating processes. The collaboration platform brings the key capability of ‘converse’ around transaction that requires interaction with co-workers that are not a part of the normal flow of transactions.
Sigmify Solutions are most effective in operational areas where traditional systems of record fail to provide desired solutions because of lack of integration between systems or lack of functionality. This failure to provide desired functionality could be because of a combination cost, desired flexibility or ability of these systems to integrate.
Sigmify Solutions are able to provide three key values – Integration between existing system of record that exist, providing good initial fit solutions for functionality that is currently missing, and an ability to keep the solutions evergreen. Sigmify is able to deliver this because Sigmify Solutions are built using Sigmify innovative and intuitive ‘Low Code No Code’ approach.
BISIL’s healthcare solution Sigmify Health facilitates systematic coordination, recording and analysis of diagnosis, treatment and prevention tasks for patients. The components in BISIL’s healthcare solutions are designed as much for use at a clinic as at a hospital.
The biggest advantage of BISIL’s healthcare solutions is its ability to provide integrated patient records in such a manner that they can be accessed by anybody, anytime by using its information exchange components.
BISIL’s healthcare solution Sigmify Health facilitates systematic coordination, recording and analysis of diagnosis, treatment and prevention tasks for patients. The components in BISIL’s healthcare solutions are designed as much for use at a clinic as at a hospital.
The biggest advantage of BISIL’s healthcare solutions is its ability to provide integrated patient records in such a manner that they can be accessed by anybody, anytime by using its information exchange components.
Sigmify GRC
Organizations are highly digitized. Organizations demand Governance in terms of processes and procedures. Digitized operations require a different type of Governance that needs to handle technical risks. If the digital infrastructure were to be compromised in any way, it could cause an existential crisis.
Sensitive Data includes Customer specifics data, financial information, healthcare records and much more. Information Assets face multiple risks of different types, such as Infrastructure & Equipment risks, Internal risks, External risk and Regulatory risks.
GRC is a Comprehensive solution that helps in Timely operations and gives Assured results.
Financial Services
As we rolled out Sigmify, we deployed a host of processes catering to different varticals and spanning across functional areas. These give an idea of the flexibility that is built into Sigmify, allowing it to be freely used for a variety of business processes.
The specific business processes followed in your organization would surely not be identical with the ones displayed here (the processes depicted here are those that we have designed, our clients’ processes remain their property). However, the solutions and case studies are meant to give an overall idea. Given that Sigmify allows one to modify processes fully, it is extremely easy to custom-build a process that meshes exactly with the process followed by your organization.
The amount of information is limited so as to be concise yet informative. However, in case you need further information on any of the business cases or understand how the processes can be modified to suit your business practices and realities, please free to contact us and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you.