BISIL Ports Enj – Business Process Management Suite – to IBM eServer UNIX System for SMB

Rosemont, PA, March 15, 2004 – BISIL today announced it has successfully ported Enj — its well-known suite of Business Process Management products – to a powerful IBM eServer UNIX processor-based system that uses IBM’s advanced logical partitioning technology.

BISIL’s Enj software was tested on IBM eServer pSeries 670 system running IBM WebSphere Express – Enterprise Edition (WAS Express 1/p and 5.1), IBM DB2 Express version 8.1 FP4a, an Apache 1.3.28 HTTP server, and SuSe Linux Enterprise Server V.8.

Enj is an enterprise class BPM product based on open world technologies. The base development platform is Linux. However, it also runs equally efficiently on Windows NT and 2000 servers.

Boasting leading-edge innovations such as high-performance processors and advanced clustering technologies, the p670 system delivers outstanding power, flexibility, reliability and investment protection for both commercial and technical computing applications, and is an ideal solution for small to medium-size e-business operations looking for greater resiliency in their IT operations.

Both BISIL’s Enj and IBM have one common philosophy – offering customers cross-platform technologies that form the core of flexible computing infrastructure. The platform requirement may change as the business realities change. Companies need not get trapped in one single platform. They should be able to leverage their current investments in infrastructure and at the same time make further investments in applications in a cost-effective way.

About Enj
Enj enables organizations to fully automate everyday business and functional activities without replacing legacy systems. Enj facilitates man-machine, machine-machine, and man-man processes and interfaces. It enables companies to design associated documents, accept user input, forward the documents for information or approval to those individuals with the appropriate roles, store the accepted data in databases and retrieve it in the form of standard and user definable reports.

Enj helps organizations orchestrate a transaction from end to end. Enj also provides the metrics necessary to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of each business processes.

Additionally, Enj enables organizations to maintain an active and dynamic web portal through its Portal extension. Enj Portal makes it possible to integrate parts of the enterprise data warehouse with their corporate portals

Established in 1990, BISIL is a products and services company and has various high profile clients through offshore development programs. BISIL has executed several medium and large projects on a turnkey basis, across various platforms. It has acquired rich experience in delivering products using the cutting edge technologies combined with the functional expertise, to give its customers much more value than they had anticipated.

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